A clear right-of-way improves reliability and safety

Polk-Burnett has more than 3,000 miles of overhead and underground power lines that are operated and maintained by the cooperative employees and contracted workers.  It is important for Polk-Burnett to maintain its rights-of-ways for reliable electric service, accessibility for crews, fire prevention, safety and to meet state and federal codes.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our right-of-way department, 800-421-0283, ext. 389.


Polk-Burnett has more than 3,000 miles of overhead and underground power lines that are operated and maintained by the cooperative. It is important to maintain the right-of-way for safety, reliability, accessibility, fire prevention and fewer outages and blinks.

We appreciate your cooperation and we will continue to be respectful when working on your property.


During the summer months, contracted crews use hand sprayers to apply herbicide to the leaves of woody vegetation growing in the overhead power line right-of-way. All crews are licensed and product labels and safety data sheets are available upon request. Notifications are sent in the spring to the members whose property is scheduled for maintenance.

Obstructions and Structures in the Right-of-Way

In order to safely operate and maintain the electric system, Polk-Burnett is obligated to correct obstructions found on properties that would be in violation of the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) or impede mechanical access to the power lines. 


We all enjoy trees, but when they interfere with power lines, reliability and safety are compromised. Thank you for keeping trees and branches clear of power lines.

Planting Guidelines

Thinking of planting trees in your yard? Before you start digging, learn how to safely plant trees around power lines with our planting guide.
Remember to call Diggers Hotline three days before you dig!

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