Seasonal Timeline

Tank rent due (if applicable)

Tank monitor rent due (if applicable)

Summer fill special (pricing TBD)

Prebuy contracts online
Prebuy & budget contracts mail end of July 

Prebuy/budget contracts due Aug. 23, 2024

*all dates subject to change

Delivery Program

WILL CALL – Deliveries are initiated by the customer. You are required to give a five business-day notice when the tank reads 20-30%. If an immediate delivery is needed, additional fees will be assessed.

AUTO FILL (FT residence/business only) – Deliveries are scheduled by Polk-Burnett in an effort to maintain uninterrupted propane service, providing your account is current. Restrictions apply.
IMPORTANT: Auto fill is an estimate and is not designed for customers heating seasonal or unoccupied buildings. We ask that you let us know when your tank is at 20-30% or have us install a tank monitor (fees apply). An expanded definition of delivery options and change form can be found HERE.

Contact Us

We look forward to serving you.

For more info or to order propane call 715-646-2191 or 800-421-0283 (emergency/after hours)

Create an online account HERE
to view past LP deliveries, account balance, make a payment, order fuel, etc.

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Polk-Burnett Propane Services was established in 1996 to provide affordable propane with friendly service, competitive pricing and high-level safety compliance.

Propane Pricing

Call or email the office for current truck pricing

For more information contact:
800-421-0283 answered 24/7 (emergencies/after hours)

Safety Information

Carbon Monoxide Safety Information

More propane safety information can be found on the Wisconsin Propane Gas Association's website.

Tank Monitors

No more worries about running out of propane! We offer monitors that track the level of gas in your tank.

Discover the Tank Utility Tank Monitor

Discover the GREMLIN® Tank Monitor


Monitor Agreement

If interested, click on and submit the monitor agreement. Call us with questions 800-421-0283 ext. 378 or 411.

Propane Board of Directors

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Nick Kuechenmeister,

General Manager


Mike Morris, President

Luck, WI


Joe Metro, Vice President

Balsam Lake, WI


Cathy Albrecht, Secretary/Treasurer

Balsam Lake, WI


Colleen Laya, Director

Danbury, WI


Wilfred Owens, Director

Frederic, WI


Polk-Burnett Propane reminds you to check your tank percentage regularly. To ensure the best service, maintain a path to your propane tank and keep your tank clear of vegetation, snow and ice. Clearing snow and ice also allows propane to vaporize properly in the winter. Thank you!