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Co-op Board Director John Ukura

Get to know Co-op Board Director John Ukura

John Ukura is our newest co-op director. He was elected in 2022 in District 5. John and his wife live on Bone Lake outside Luck and are active in the community. John serves as treasurer for the Luck Lions Club and is a volunteer for the Bone Lake Management District. Recently, he became a mentor for Kinship of Polk County, where he said it's been rewarding to participate in outdoor recreational activities with his mentee.

John said his first year on Polk-Burnett's board has been a great learning experience. "As a retired electrical engineer, I understand the technical details, but I've had to learn industry terminology and accounting principles. I now better understand the unique challenges faced by rural electric co-ops. The co-op is much more than just another investor-owned business you pay monthly. I've been impressed with the support it provides the community and its member focus. The co-op encourages and listens to member feedback and takes action."

John enjoys discussing the pros and cons of electric vehicles with members and how utilities can responsibly transition to a lower carbon future. "As board directors, it's our responsibility to safely and reliably deliver power to our members at the lowest possible cost."

If you are an EV enthusiast, look for John on our new Facebook group, NW Wisconsin EV Club.

The co-op board approves Capital Credits for members each year, along with representing members in setting policies and rates, and approving the budget and investments in the power grid. Learn more about your co-op board of directors.