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Energy savers for the holiday season

Many of us use more electricity during the holidays, and electric bills may be higher as a result. Here are a few reasons why your bill may be higher than normal:

*Holiday entertaining means extra cooking and baking.
Tip: Don't peak; leave oven door closed to keep heat inside oven.

*Holiday guests use more hot water for showers, laundry and dishwashing.
Tip: Run only full loads.

*Holiday lights and decorations use electricity.
Tip: Switch to LEDs.

*Lights are on longer with fewer daylight hours.
Tip: Use timers to turn lights on and off.

*Space heaters are used for extra warmth.
Tip: Shut them off when you leave the room.

Polk-Burnett offers energy efficient products, rebates and incentives to help members save energy and money, while improving comfort in your homes. Visit our website or give us a call, 800-421-0283, ext. 595.