Information for the Director Candidate


The direction, guidelines and policies, which Polk-Burnett follows, are set by the cooperative’s board of directors.  Directors meet monthly to take action on items as necessary, gather information through reports, and monitor the various programs and financial position of the cooperative.

Steven Stroshane, General Manager/CEO

About the Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative Board

Regular monthly board meetings are held from 8 a.m. until early-afternoon on generally the fourth Monday of each month.

The board may call special meetings as needed throughout the year dealing with special projects.

Board members do not receive a salary, but they do receive per diem plus actual expenses.  The per diem for each director is $350 for board meetings.  When directors attend training or conferences they receive $250 per day (up to a total of five days). The co-op reimburses directors for mileage in accordance with the IRS allowable rate and board policy (See Policy BD-10:  Director Expense & Per Diem).

A board member is given an iPad to use for board packets, email communications and cooperative calendars.

Directors are responsible to pay for their home internet and wi-fi to use the iPad.

Because the business is fairly complex, directors attend educational courses, seminars and informational meetings throughout the year.  Directors often spend five to 10 days per year at these types of meetings.

Article V, Section 2b of Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative's Bylaws state the following qualifications shall be required:

  1. Personal membership in the cooperative or acting in the capacity of a duly authorized representative of a member of the cooperative who is other than a natural person.
  2. Actual residence in the district to be served as a director.
  3. Certification by the nominee at the time of nomination that no conflict of interest exists or is reasonably foreseeable that would or would tend to cause the nominee, if elected, to breach the fiduciary duties of a director to the cooperative.
  4. Must not have been an employee of the cooperative or any entity owned or controlled by the cooperative at any time during the three (3) years preceding the election or appointment.
  5. Must not have pursued any claim or litigation against the cooperative or any entity owned or controlled by the cooperative or against any of its directors or employees in the three (3) years preceding the election or appointment.
  6. Must not have been convicted of a felony.
  7. At the time of election or appointment, must not be related to any regular part-time or full-time employee of the cooperative or any entity owned or controlled by the cooperative.
  1. Above all things, directors abide by Polk-Burnett’s core values of honesty, integrity and an excellent reputation, exceptional member service, respect and appreciation for employees, commitment to safety and environmental stewardship, commitment to community and cooperative principles.
  1. Directors place the interests of Polk-Burnett above their own personal interests.  They will not expect, nor will they seek any special privilege or advantage from Polk-Burnett because they are a director.
  1. Directors will be diligent and give as careful attention to the affairs of Polk-Burnett as they would give their own business.  They will not knowingly become financially interested in any business or agency that has interests adverse to those of Polk-Burnett.
  1. Directors disclose any personal or private interest in any matter proposed or pending before the board of directors and shall not vote thereon and shall refrain from attempting to influence the decisions of the other directors in voting on the matter.
  1. Directors represent the interests of all the members of Polk-Burnett, not just the members from their district or the interests of any particular interest group of members.  Only when authorized or directed by the board will an individual director represent the interests of Polk-Burnett to or before affiliated cooperative associations or outside entities.
  1. Director will devote their time and attention to preparing for and participating in the business and management policy decision-making process in directors’ meetings and related deliberations.
  1. Directors carefully and independently express their honest opinion on all matters that come before the board.  Directors will be open-minded and supportive of the majority once contested issues have been resolved.   
  1. Directors express the views of the board in discussions with the members.   Confidential business matters will be kept confidential unless such matters are made public by board action. 
  1. Directors study the business and affairs of Polk-Burnett and those broader considerations that affect its welfare.  They will advocate for continual advancements in efficiency.  They will welcome new and creative ideas as a means of ensuring that Polk-Burnett’s services to its members remain at the highest level.
  1. Directors work to inform members of established policies and programs of Polk-Burnett.
  1. Directors apply reason and common sense to all problems.
  1. Directors pledge to do their best for Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative and for the members who have elected them to serve in this position of high honor and trust.

Annually, the cooperative publishes a notice of an election of directors for those districts scheduled for elections during the ensuing year as described in the bylaws (Article V, Section 3).  Members seeking placement on the ballot must request an official nomination packet and submit it to the cooperative not less than 90 days prior to the annual meeting.  The nomination packet includes, but not limited to, a ballot placement application and a nomination petition that requires at least 10 signatures from members in your district.  For more information see Policy BD-17:  Guidelines for Director Election Process.

If you are interested in running for director, please contact the executive assistant/HR administrator at 715-646-2191.

Elections are held each spring for three districts.  All members in the districts up for election have an opportunity to vote by mail or online.  A third-party conducts the election and tallies the results which are announced at Polk-Burnett’s annual meeting.

Interested in Running for a Board Seat?

If you are a member of Polk-Burnett Electric whose permanent residence is in one of the districts up for election and would like to run for a director position, please contact us and ask to have a director election information packet sent to you.  Below is a table of district election schedule.  Members are only eligible to vote for candidates in the district their membership exists.

Election Year: 2026

Election Year: 2027

Election Year: 2025

District 1

Towns of Farmington, Somerset and portions of Osceola, Garfield and Alden

District 7

Towns of Webb Lake, Chicog, Jackson, Scott, Casey and Rusk

District 4

Towns of Balsam Lake, Apple River, Beaver, Almena and Clayton

District 2

Towns of Sterling, Laketown, Eureka, Milltown, St. Croix Falls and portions of Osceola

District 8

Towns of Swiss, Union, Oakland, Meenon and Sand Lake

District 5

Towns of McKinley, Maple Plain, Georgetown, Johnstown and Crystal Lake

District 3

Towns of Lincoln, Black Brook, Clear Lake, Vance Creek, Star Prairie, Forest, New Haven and portions of Garfield and Alden

District 9

Towns of Marshland, Lincoln, Grantsburg, Wood River, Daniels, Siren, Anderson and Trade Lake

District 6

Towns of LaFollette, Dewey, West Sweden, Clam Falls, Lorain, Roosevelt, Luck and Bone Lake