Your generosity will support education for students from co-op member families!

Members of Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative may choose to donate your annual Capital Credits to the co-op’s scholarship fund. The scholarship fund was established in 1987 with unclaimed Capital Credits. If not used for education, unclaimed Capital Credits are forfeited to the state. Each year, the fund awards thousands of dollars in scholarships to children of co-op members.

To donate your future Capital Credits to the scholarship fund, please complete this form. You can change your enrollment in this program at any time. Thank you!

For more information, please see Capital Credits, Scholarships or call 800-421-0283.

Yes, I'd like to donate my future Capital Credits to Polk-Burnett's scholarship fund

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Members can unsubscribe to this donation option at any time by contacting our billing office, 800-421-0283, ext. 335.

Signature(s) are required from all named on your electric account. Your donation request and signatures will be confirmed by the co-op’s billing office to protect your Capital Credit allocation.